Friday, December 16, 2011

Postre and Posadas: The Joys of Fundraising at KIPP King

On Friday December 9, KIPP King Collegiate decided to host a small event to help raise money for senior graduation night at Disneyland. Since it is the last year for the seniors to be together, they want to celebrate and cherish all their memories; so they decided to go to Disneyland. Through small bake sales and other food sales, they have been working and saving up for their end-of-the-year trip.  Because there was only one more week until winter break, having a posada was an excellent way to enjoy the upcoming holiday and fundraise for the trip.
A posada, in dictionary terms, is a Christmas festival originating in Latin America that dramatizes the search of Joseph and Mary for lodging. This posada, in terms of KIPP King, was basically like a bake sale where food was priced around a dollar and anyone was invited to come. Friends and family came to enjoy the event and the evening. Aside from the food, King students were screening two movies in the classrooms, which were the classic Christmas movie “Home Alone” and a Christmas comedy “Four Christmas”. In addition, Santa Claus, whose identity shall remain unknown for the sake of the siblings who were there, came to take pictures with students, teachers, children, and parents.
Since it was a Friday, King students were dismissed around 3 pm, giving the student council time to prepare the rooms for the two movies and help set up the posada. Although it was a lot of work, everyone pitched in and did their part in creating a festive atmosphere. It was a night that let people appreciate the holiday season. If anyone stayed until the end, there was a piñata brought out. It was dark outside and some lights were set up so I couldn’t see everything too clearly. But I knew that everyone took turns hitting the piñata because different names were chanted every few minutes. One person I could clearly see hit the piñata was Mr. Singer. When it was his turn, the poor thing met its match. As soon as candy came falling down a swarm of students and little kids came running with smiles on their faces.
After the piñata, the posada still continued,  but unfortunately I couldn’t stay any longer. I can say that I witnessed an event that accomplished its goal in a fun and creative way. There was food, movies, and a free photo shoot with Santa. What more can a student ask for on a Friday?